When in time of stress make a B-Line to counseling,

Intensive In-Community services is a goal oriented and needs-based intervention, that focuses on the youth’s emotional and behavioral challenges. The service may be at home or an amenable community location, provided by a licensed clinician. IIC services aim to stabilize function and provide support for the youth during the process. This is an effort to dissuade a higher level of care. Our clinical staff works collaboratively with the youth and family to address their needs, stressors, and challenges in a supportive environment.

Behavioral Assistant (BA) services is an outcome-oriented intervention held at home, or an amenable location in the community, to address specific behaviors. BA services are face-to-face interventions with the youth; it provides the support to attain identified goals of the individualized treatment plan. This is collaboratively composed with the youth, family, BA, and licensed clinician. To sustain the change process, the BA will model healthy coping skills and strategies to the caregivers. They will also assist families to enhance the quality of life and strengthen skill in an array of life domains. The Behavioral Assistant is a complimentary service that will focus on youth regaining stability and function.

Mentoring services are provided to assist youth in attaining identified goals. A mentor will be a role model who will aim to aid youth in the changing process, assist in building healthy relationships and serve as a prevention and intervention strategy. Mentors will also provide guidance for youth to succeed in life challenges.

Biopsychosocial Needs Assessment (BPS NA)
The BioPsychosocial (BPS) provides a comprehensive clinical assessment, geared towards identifying both strengths and needs, pertaining to: behavioral health, substance use, and intellectual/developmental disabilities. This assessment provides treatment recommendations that address identified needs through both local community resources and services available through the New Jersey’s Children’s System of Care continuum. These assessments are available to youths experiencing emotional or behavioral challenges that are impacting their day-to-day functioning in at least one area. (www.performcare.org)